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  5. Screenshot Subform

Screenshot Subform

The Screenshot subform is displayed on the step form for any step type that references screenshots (Element Screenshot and Full Screen Screenshot).

Screenshot Subform Ok

  1. Name – The filename that the screenshot will save this screenshot as. If a name is given, the screenshot will be saved with the name. If a name is not given, the screenshot will initially be created with a temporary filename until the database record is saved, then it will be renamed. If no name is given, an automatically generated name will be applied to the screenshot.
  2. Ok Preview – A preview of the file. If this screenshot has been created normally, it will show a green checkbox in the upper right hand corner.

Screenshot Subform Warn

  1. Warn Preview – If the screenshot has changed since the last time the step ran, it will be indicated with a yellow warning.
  2. Review Changes – Any screenshots that have change must be reviewed and approved before the new screenshot will be pushed to the AWS bucket. Click this link to open the (Screenshot Approval Menu
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